What is the Meaning of Backlogs in Education?
Generally, students are not aware of the terms; backlog/s, or backlog certificate until they are asked to provide the same for applying for admission to an abroad institution. In very simple words, backlogs can be considered as the number of subjects a student has not cleared in his/her final exams for a particular semester or year. Let's understand it with an example: suppose a student has 5 subjects to pass a specific semester and he has passed only four exams and failed one subject. Now, until he passes this failed subject, it would be counted as a backlog.
What is Backlog Certificate?
A backlog certificate in its simplest form is comprised of a detailed summary of all the subjects you failed in particular semesters/year and the number of attempts you have taken to clear these. Let's simplify this with an example: suppose you failed two subjects (let's call these A and B) in the fourth semester of your studies and you cleared one of these subjects (A) in the first attempt and another (B) in the second attempt. Then, in your backlog certificate, it would be mentioned that you were having 2 backlogs in your fourth semester of studies and you cleared the both in 3 attempts; A subject in 1 attempt and B subject in 2 attempts
What is No-Backlog Certificate?
In case, you don't have any backlogs in your previous studies, it would be mentioned in the backlog certificate that you didn't fail any subjects during your previous qualification and then, the backlog certificate issued to you can be termed as no-backlog certificate. So, in very simple words, a no-backlog certificate is nothing but the backlog certificate itself where you didn't failed any subject during your previous studies.
Backlog Certificate Format
Certificate Reference Number ........... Date: ..............
It is certified that .......... (mention candidate's name) s/o or d/o .......... (mention father's name) with University Registration Number ........... and College Roll Number ......... has been a bonafide student of ........... (mention course name & duration of the course) during the academic period of ......... (mention session details i.e. starting year of the course & end year of the course) of ........ (mention duration of the course). He/she has successfully completed the course in the year ......... (mention year of completion). This college is affiliated to .......... (mention university name). During the course, the medium of instruction was English.
You can find his/her backlogs record in the following table:
We are producing this backlog certificate on the request of Mr./Miss/Mrs. .......... (mention candidate's name) for him/her to meet the admission requirements at abroad institution of his/her choice.
(Signature of Principle or Dean of the College/institution along with the official stamp of issuing authority/person)
Are Backlogs Mentioned in Degree?
No, backlogs are never included in the degrees. Details regarding backlogs are additionally provided via backlog certificate. If an institution/university doesn't ask you to provide a backlog certificate, you have no need to provide the same along with your semester mark sheets/degree. But it is advised to keep it handy to avoid any hassle at the last moment if the institution/university where you are applying for the admission is asking you to provide the backlog certificate.
Is Backlog Certificate Necessary for Canada?
It is one of the usual queries raised by most of the international students who are wishing to study in Canada. Generally, Colleges in Canada don't require backlog or no-backlog certificates for offering admission to a course. But if you are looking to get admitted at some reputed college, you might be asked to provide a backlog certificate in case you had some backlogs during your previous degree, or otherwise, you have to provide no-backlog certificate in case you didn't have any backlogs in your previous degree. In case, you are applying for admission to a university in Canada, it is necessary to submit either a backlog (in case you have got some backlogs during your previous studies) or a no-backlog certificate (in case you have no backlogs during your previous studies).
Now, let's resolve another query; is it necessary to submit a backlog or no-backlog certificate along with your transcripts/mark sheets while making a Canada study permit application. However, it is not necessary to submit a backlog or no-backlog certificate with your Canada study permit application as the concerned Canadian academic institution has already made authentication of your academic background. But if you wish to provide, you can proceed.
(Important: remember with pending backlogs in your previous studies, none of the Canadian institutions would offer you admission. You would be offered admission to a Canadian institution if you have no backlogs pending in your previous study and also, there are decent possibilities that you might be asked for providing a backlog certificate in order to provide assurance to the institutions that you have successfully cleared all the backlogs. So, it is advised that once you have cleared all your backlogs, only then apply for admission to a Canadian institution)
How Many Backlogs are Allowed in Canada for Study?
Giving an exact number of backlogs that can be accepted by the colleges/universities in Canada is not possible at all. In general, private colleges of low repute in Canada accept backlogs ranging between 7-10 while reputed colleges like Niagara College, Fanshawe College, Conestoga College etc. most preferably accept backlogs ranging between 3-5 to the maximum. And similar is the case with Canadian Universities, these prefer candidates with either no backlogs during previous studies or to a maximum of 3-5 backlogs. However, in very exceptional cases, candidates with more than 5 backlogs are accepted by some Canadian Universities depending upon their professional expertise in their working field along with the fact that they have performed well in aptitude tests i.e. GRE or GMAT etc.
(Really Important: at reputed Canadian universities, admission to certain courses (MBA) is so competitive that candidates with backlogs in previous studies are not preferred by them)
Is Student Visa Rejected on Having More Number of Backlogs?
In general, if a student has 3-5 backlogs in his/her previous studies and he/she already has cleared these backlogs in time and got awarded with the degree by the concerned institutions and secured more than 65% marks or first division, very few chances are there that his/her visa application would be rejected, provided that he has strongly presented his/her visa application i.e. submitted all the documents which are required for a visa application, provided documentary evidence for the availability of adequate of funds for his/her studies in abroad, written a strong SOP for his/her visa application, answered the interview questions very well (if the interview is conducted by the embassy) and didn't include any false document or information with his/her visa application, etc.
Yes, it is for sure that as the count of backlogs increases, there are more likely chances for a visa application to get refused. However, it is not the case with every visa application; sometimes a visa application without any backlog gets refused while a visa application with 5 or more backlogs gets approved.
(Really Important: especially, in the case of Australia, there are more likely chances of refusal for a student visa application where the student has backlogs in his/her previous studies, irrespective of the count of backlogs. Whereas countries like USA, Canada and UK etc. are somewhat lenient towards backlogs in previous studies while assessing the student visa applications i.e. with backlogs ranging in between 3-5, a student can easily get a student visa for these countries)